Friday, 22 November 2013

Kruger update again

Just when you can't seem to think there's another better sighting out there for you  - like 5 wild dogs on the road trotting along - Kruger delivers!!
We travelled a road and a lady told us of 5 lion on the plains walking away - we spotted them with binoculars - they hunted a couple buffalo - far in the distance but we saw no less than 3 attempts of 1 lion on top of a buffalo's back - rodeo was on.  Unfortunately it was too far to see the outcome!  We were just a few metres down the road congratulating ourselves for the great time we had (alone in the sighting), when we spotted 2 more lionesses walking across the road. We followed them for a while - when they spotted a different group of buffalo and they started to hunt too!!!!!!!!!!! One lioness was so flat in the short grass of the plain, the wind was right, they were close to the road, the buffalo were grazing towards them - 2 pass by between us and the lions. Then 2 more. No move from the lions. (Cars are now piling up on the road!) the last buffalo was the closest yet - he spotted her as he was about 10m away! It was a chase and a half! But no joy for the lions - the buffalo hit the road and now we know what 'hightailing' it means! Those buff had the acceleration on! Sorry the photos are not downloaded yet....

But here are some other buff that we saw:

Diderick Cuckoo male - too beautiful

 Black backed Jackals - (I think they need some flea control!)
Thunderstorm coming in

 African Hoopoe
Female Waterbuck - Christo's favourite antelope - we love the little heart shaped nose!

Ok that's it for now - very little time in the bush left - we may need to upload the rest of the photos once we're back on the cold soil.....

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